A sincere thank you!
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 01:44:36 PM
Hello Jumpers new and old!
Things are a bit crazy for me at the moment as I've been banished to a writing bunker unexpectedly to prep a TV show to go to studio. I promise I will take a minute soon and write up a properly juicy State of the Union, but I wanted to hit the pause button here for a just moment to thank you very sincerely for the tremendous start to the comapaign. Our funding goal is firmly in sight and we will be enthusiastically onto some incredible stretch goals very soon.
As always, I am here for you - writing bunker be damned - if you have questions or concerns or just want to see something new and exciting added to the campaign.
Watch this space, cause I'll be brining the heat here before you know it.
Thanks so much again for all of the love! I can't wait to get this book in your hands!
If you're looking for a little campaign fix, I recently talked all things JUMP/Kickstarter (and Cobra Kai and Magnum PI) with the Bearded Comic Bro. Great conversation! Check it out HERE.