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THE JUMP 1-2 from Ringo Award-winner Rylend Grant

Created by Rylend Grant

A kick-you-in-the-teeth paranoid thriller set in the world of astral projection from the creator of Action Lab's ABERRANT and BANJAX.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Rylend Grant's SUICIDE JOCKEYS is coming to your local comic shop in August via Source Point Press!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jun 04, 2021 at 08:44:41 AM

Hey Jumpers,

  I hope this message find you well. I'm writing to let you know that both the regular and "Road House" variant editions of the first issue of my latest and greatest comic book series - a delightfully twisted Tokusatsu action joint, titled SUICIDE JOCKEYS - is available NOW for preorder at your local comic shop. Preorders drive everything, so help a brother out, huh? You can also have it easily shipped directly to your home by ordering online via MIDTOWN COMICS

SUICIDE JOCKEYS will run for 4 issues, so PUT IT ON YOUR PULL LIST!

Check out a best-in-the-business preview from Jason Bennett at PopCultHQ HERE. And peep the official press release from Source Point Press below. Trust me, you're in for quite a ride with this one!

Strap in for tokusatsu action with Suicide Jockeys from screenwriter/Ringo Award-winner Rylend Grant and Source Point Press 

Ten years after a catastrophic mission gone awry, Denver Wallace, leader of the Suicide Jockeys – a poor, usually drunken, almost certainly mentally ill crew of monster-fighting, tank-and-aircraft-piloting suckers – must pick himself up off of the proverbial and literal floors, slap his estranged, desperately-fractured team back together and right what once went wrong.

Creator Rylend Grant describes Suicide Jockeys as diverse cast Tokusatsu for the contemporary action movie fan. It’s essentially Voltron meets The Fast and the Furious… with an extra dollop of heart and soul.

The film comparisons flow freely and easily from Grant, a screenwriter by trade, with a decade’s worth of experience penning smart, character-driven action movies for the likes of JJ Abrams, Ridley Scott, Justin Linn, F. Gary Gray, and John Woo.

Grant reteams here with Artist Davi Leon Dias, Colorist Iwan Joko Triyono, Letterer HdE, and Producer RJ Hendricks (of Rising Spirit Entertainment), all of whom helped bring his Ringo award-winning political action thriller Aberrant to life. Collider recently announced that Aberrant is being developed for television by 24 & Felicity Executive Producer Tony Krantz.

"Brad is our very own Tokusatsu historian/expert. While I work to make sure Suicide Jockeysappeals to a hungry American action movie audience, he’s making sure diehard Tokusatsu fans will have an authentic experience,” says Grant.

Warner and Grant also happen to be ordained Soto Zen Buddhist monks. Grant actually once taught Mike Tyson how to meditate. Warner is the best-selling author of books like Hardcore Zen and Sit Down and Shut Up.

“Our Zen practice is a major influence on Suicide Jockeys. It’s a big, poppy, action thrill ride, obviously… but we’re also wrestling with some of life’s big and hairy existential questions here. We’re just doing it in a fun, heightened way,” says Grant.

Suicide Jockeys will also feature variant covers from Fabio Alves and Edson Ferreira who were both nominated for Ringo awards for their work on Grant’s much lauded superhero noir Banjax. Banjax made a dozen critics ten-best lists in 2019 and was nominated for a total of 4 Ringo Awards including Best Series alongside Bitter Root and Something is Killing the Children.

Source Point Press is a division of Ox Eye Media, publishing books, comics, and graphic novels. Suicide Jockeys #1 will be available in comic shops and online at on Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2021.

Surveys going out! EXCLUSIVE BACKER KIT VARIANT! Limited to just 35 copies!
over 3 years ago – Fri, May 07, 2021 at 03:20:48 PM

Hey all,

Some of you will receive your Backerkit surveys tonight... the site makes you first send a "smoke test" to 5% of your backers to ferret out any problems before you go out wide. The rest of you will receive yours tomorrow morning. Remember to fill those out as quickly as possible! I essentially can't get the book off to the printer until I have the information gleaned from those surveys, so the whole enterprise currently hinges on this.

Now, some GOOD news:


As I alluded to before, there'll be plenty of fun add-on opportunities for you when you check out via Backerkit. The Backerkit storefront is actually already open if you want to check it out/preview things:

The BIG news is this... many of you messaged, asking us to turn Fabio's Mike Mignola tribute art into a variant cover. Well, I've said from moment one here that if you ask, I shall do my best to make it happen. This is what we've done...

There will be an UBER EXCLUSIVE Backerkit Mignola variant of THE JUMP #1 only available here/to you guys. It will be limited to JUST 35 copies... each copy will be SIGNED AND NUMBERED by me. This will be a BRUSHED FOIL cover! It will be SHINY and BADASS... PREMIUM all the way.

THE JUMP #1 - Brushed Foil Mignola Variant (Limited to just 35 signed/number copies)

I do expect these to sell out pretty quickly, so if you don't want to risk missing it/don't want to wait for your survey to come to tomorrow, you can order it RIGHT NOW via our backerkit Pre-order store:

The store will tell you it's going to charge you extra shipping, unfortunately... BUT I promise I will fix it on the back end before you card is charged... any pre-order store orders for these will ship for free with your pledge items.


Anything you missed out on rewards-wise will also be in shop. You can pick up an extra copy of the book, of that variant you missed out on... there is plenty of original art and the like, and all of those badass DRAW-IN rewards will still be available for a very short time.

So, don't miss your very last chance to be drawn into the book...

...or put on a cover...

We're also offering full runs of my other books - the Ringo-nominated BANJAX, the Ringo Award-winning ABERRANT, and the recent Kickstarter sensation, THE PEACEKEEPERS - signed, in both TPD and floppy form...

You'll also be able to score some UBER rare ABERRANT and BANJAX con variants. In some cases only 50 copies of these exist in the entire world. These were only ever available at one specific con on one specific weekend, but now you can get them here.

As always, let me know if you have any questions!

I hope all is well! Talk soon!


Backerkit surveys coming! Pre-order store open!
over 3 years ago – Tue, May 04, 2021 at 05:51:18 PM

Hey all,

  Just a heads up that your Backerkit surveys will be coming later this week... probably on Thursday. Make sure you fill those out as quickly as possible. I essentially can't get the book off to the printer until I have the information gleaned from those surveys, so the whole enterprise currently hinges on this.

As I alluded to before, there'll be plenty of fun add-on opportunities for you when you check out via Backerkit. The Backerkit storefront is actually already open if you want to check it out/preview things:

So, anything you missed out on rewards-wise will be in shop. You can pick up an extra copy of the book, of that variant you missed out on. There is plenty of original art and the like. We're offering full signed runs of my other books - the Ringo-nominated BANJAX and the Ringo Award-winning ABERRANT.

You'll also be able to score some UBER rare ABERRANT and BANJAX con variants. In some cases only 50 copies of these exist in the entire world. These were only ever available at one specific con on one specific weekend, but now you can get them here.

Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for those surveys. I'll hit you up here once they drop... and maybe I'll announce a surprise or two. STAY TUNED!


P.S. There are a few campaigns live her on Kickstarter that you should absolutely check out:


The final issue of the latest installment of my absolute FAVORITE comic book series MONSTER MATADOR is LIVE here on Kickstarer for just 46 hours longer!

Monster Matador is a delightfully demented Kaiju throw-down that follows Matador Ramon Alejandro Estévez Guerrero as he travels a post-apolcalyptic future to fight monsters and and make a better world for his daughter.

That "favorite comic series" thing is no hyperbole. You can actually see my pull quote/see me put my money where my mouth is on the Kickstarter page:

Anyway, this one is TONS of fun. JUST 46 HOURS! CHECK IT OUT HERE!

The Amazing Adventures of Bart Bartson & Demolition Dinosaur

The Amazing Adventures of Bart Bartson and Demolition Dinosaur is the story of Bart Bartson, a recently orphaned 9-year-old boy who lands in an abusive foster situation. Tormented by the other boys at the home, Bart escapes into his imagination where he finds companionship in the form of a 20-foot-tall t-rex named Demolition Dinosaur. Together, the two adventure, swashbuckle, and defend a Venusian Queen from an army of toad monsters.  The confidence acquired through these adventures provides Bart with a foothold from which he regains a modicum of control in a world torn apart by loss. This is a story of overcoming trauma through imagination. And dinosaurs. And ray guns. Think Calvin and Hobbes meets Pan’s Labyrinth.


European Astrobiology Institute presents "Life Beyond Us"

European Astrobiology Institute presents "Life Beyond Us"

Our Scientists are uniting with Science Fiction Authors on a mission!

Who are we?

44 leading SF authors and scientists.

What is our mission?
To introduce you to strange new worlds beyond ours. Have you ever imagined what life would be like if it evolved in a cold ocean beneath an impenetrable shell of ice, or on a world whose haze obscured any view of the universe beyond? How would finding alien life change our society?

Why are we taking this mission?
The keys to battle the effects of climate change, future pandemics, and other challenges that reflect in our whole society are the understanding of science, interest in the workings of nature and technology, and critical thinking.

How would we complete this mission?
To inspire new generations to pursue STEM and STEAM (art included) careers, science communication or 'merely' an interest in them, and use the anthology in outreach activities at EAI summer schools and workshops.

And, guys, it is going to be a fun ride with this non-profit organization!


over 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 01:00:56 AM

Hey all,

I just wanted to thank you very sincerely for all the love this past month. There is such an active and enthusiastic fanbase here on Kickstarter... you guys have made this such a great time... I've said it before and I'll say it again here... this is so much more fun than is putting books in comic shops.

I'm going to take a short respite for the weekend, but I'll be back early next week with more news. I'm told that your payments should be processed very soon, so make sure all your credit card info is current with Kickstarter. Once we're over that hump, I'll start contacting folks for commision and draw-me-in references. The backer surveys will come soon after that.

If you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please don't hesitate to flip me a message. You might also want to follow me on social media for more info/hi jinx:



Thanks so much again for everything guys. Talk soon. Stay safe.


P.S. Here are some other really great campaigns you should check out:

Pneumatic Cases #1-3

Lord and Lady Ravenscroft are two brilliant scientists and inventors whose Bohemian lifestyle and inventive ways are in direct contrast to the staid and proper ways of Victorian Era London.

Served faithfully by their steam-driven metallic Majordomo, Pneuman, and armed with a variety of elaborate self-created inventions, the Ravenscroft's pursue the one vocation that brings excitement into their world... solving murders!


Tales From Kerra Prime

Kerra Prime is a crafted world designed for connected story telling in the world of independent publishing. Kerra Prime was created to allow independent creators a place to create stories that are part of some much larger and allow for crossover story telling. Kerra Prime was created to supply indie creators a place to showcase crossovers that people never thought was possible; a world that is designs to allow one time cross overs or long term story lines.

Tales from Kerra Prime volume 1 is a collection of short stories from different creators. Here in volume 1 we showcase 16 different characters that are native to the world of Kerra Prime. These characters will always live inside Kerra Prime, the success of volume 1 will show other indie creators that this project is a worth place to tell stories with their creator owned characters. Volume 1 should pave the way for volume 2 to have more creator owned characters telling stories inside the connected world of Kerra Prime.



LOVECRAFT P.I. THE CURIOUS CASE  OF ReANIMATOR is a (114) page graphic novel. Taken from the Case File's of Detective Ward Lovecraft, from The Miskatonic Supernatural Detective Agency. Here we follow our favorite chain smoking, lantern-jawed detective to 1932 New Orleans. On the hunt for a mysterious ritualistic cult, trying to raise the mighty CTHULHU!

For the FIRST TIME EVER, get the Noir Edition, featuring NEW COVER ART by famed illustrator Shane Oakley, his previous works includes; "ALBION" by creator Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman's, "FORBIDDEN BRIDES OF THE FACELESS SLAVES IN THE NAMELESS HOUSE OF THE NIGHT OF DREAD DESIRE" and "CHANNEL EVIL" with Alan Grant, to name a few.



Steampunk, comics, medieval fantasy, and METAL all collide in: Heirs Of Isildur vs Tales From Nocturnia. This campaign brings both universes into the metal music world, and lets them duke it out with 5 songs each on an album that will be available as MP3s, on CD, and on collectible colored vinyl!

The campaign also centers around the special edition comic Heirs of Isildur: Nightmare Scenario (now 28 pages because of STRETCH GOALS!), which will answer one of the burning questions from the previous arc, The Crossroads Conundrum, and its cliffhangers.


And check out a full length stream video of the opening album track HERE!

Featured Project on the Kickstarter Comics Page!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 12:45:11 AM

Hey Jumpers,

Just 3 days left! 323 backers and $14,506 as I type this. The JUMP 1 campaign came in at 330 and $15,239, so we are on pace to cruise by that in the next day or two. But hey... tell a friend... help put us over the top.

Something that might also help?

We are the featured project on the Kickstarter Comics homepage today:

Quite the honor, obviously... and we're crazy stoked about it. Hopefully it brings a few more people to this crazy comic party we're having here.

Until tomorrow!


P.S. There are some really great campaigns running concurrently here on Kiscksater. Here are some projects you should look at:

The Zombie Game

At the end of a long college school year, Oz, ex-Army, his service dog, Leg, and best friend, Jer decide to go to the mother of all blow-out parties in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. Their anxieties are soon forgotten as the music thumps and water pours down. But it’s not ecstasy raining on the party-goers, something much more sinister falls down on them, trapping them, reshaping them into creatures hungry for flesh.



Arks is a diamond-hard sci-fi/police procedural set in the garden of Eden. If you loved Dark Horse’s Aliens comics from the 90’s and Seven and Jurassic Park are on your favorite movie list, this comic will blow you away.

'Out of this world' - Pipedream Comics
'Spectacular & Jaw-Dropping. A must read' - Shattered Glass Comic Reviews


The Surgeon: Heroic

Set about 15 years after the world fell apart, a nomadic physician struggles to survive in a savage frontier of the poor and powerless, trying to balance her calling as a healer with the necessity of killing for survival. As a consequence, maybe she's become more skilled with her saber than she is with a scalpel, and she's trying to get out from under that reputation.



War Priest #1

In a dystopian world, a warrior priest travels a dangerous landscape of monsters and demons to discover a desperate plot for his soul.

War Priest Chapter 1: Enhanced Edition is a 76 page Graphic Novel.The art, lettering and cover have been updated from previous versions. This book is a full color 36 page story and the black & white artwork without word bubbles or other distractions. There will also be back-matter explaining the world of War Priest and more!

War Priest is a tribute to every creator and story that I love. You may see something that reminds you of something you love too!