
THE JUMP 1-2 from Ringo Award-winner Rylend Grant

Created by Rylend Grant

A kick-you-in-the-teeth paranoid thriller set in the world of astral projection from the creator of Action Lab's ABERRANT and BANJAX.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

THE JUMP #3 Campaign Launches on Monday (3/6)!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 04, 2023 at 10:20:31 AM

Just a quick reminder that the Kickstarter campaign for Issue 3 of THE JUMP launches on MONDAY (3/6)! It would be a HUGE help if you would SIGN UP FOR LAUNCH NOTIFICATIONS now!

See you on Monday for all sorts of crazy!


THE JUMP #3 Launches on March 6th!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 12:46:36 PM

Hey Jumpers,

I'm writing today with GREAT news! The wait is over! The PRELAUNCH PAGE for THE JUMP #3 is LIVE! The book is coming to Kickstarter - coming in HOT - on March 6th! It would be a HUGE help if you would SIGN UP FOR LAUNCH NOTIFICATIONS now!

Issues 1 & 2 of THE JUMP - launched via Kickstarter last year - received RAVE reviews

You will not BELIEVE what we have in store for you for Issue 3! This one is going to MELT YOUR FACE! So, please SIGN UP FOR LAUNCH NOTIFICATIONS and come make the JUMP with us ONE MORE TIME! 

THE JUMP is a kick-you-in-the-teeth paranoid thriller comic set in the world of astral projection. It's a smart, high-concept sci-fi dance, full of meaty twists and turns. It is INCEPTION meets THE BOURNE IDENTITY, if it were dripping with macabre and directed by David Fincher.

It's brought to you by me - Rylend Grant - and artist Fabio Alves, colorist Edson Ferreira, & letterer HdE... the very same team that brought you the dark and decidedly wicked superhero noir BANJAX (published Action Lab: Danger Zone). 

BANJAX was nominated for FOUR Mike Weirngo Comic Book Awards in 2020 (including BEST SERIES along-side BITTER ROOT and SOMETHING'S KILLING THE CHILDREN) and the critics raved:

“This is the most amazingly well done first issue of a series I have ever seen. Point blank. Period… You cannot read this and come out if the same way you went into it… So effin’ good.” (Steven Leitman, Reading with a Flight Ring)

“Banjax has all the action, violence, grit, and heart of a classic.” (David Pepose, Creator of Spencer & Locke)

“Quality, engrossing material embedded with a cinematic feel. Gifted storytelling and breathtaking artwork. Banjax will instantly have you screaming for more!” (Jason Bennett, PopCultHQ)

“Banjax hits incredibly hard. Intense, thought-provoking, wildly entertaining. It’s near perfect. For those looking for something unique, Issue #1 is a must-read.” (Charlie Chipman, The Brazen Bull)

“Riveting. Refreshing. Heart-breaking. Ultra-violent. Honestly, a bit unsettling. The artwork of Fábio Alves is everything a dark and gritty comic should embody. Edson Ferreira’s color work adds an extra punch to really emotional panels. Don’t miss out on this bloody good time! A+” (Andrew Huard, You Don’t Read Comics)

“Holy crap this is good. This book hits all the right notes. It’s marvelously done, such a compelling story. It’s the best comic I’ve read in a long time. Honestly? Bendis could take some notes here.” (ComicCast Podcast)

So, I promise you, you are in for a real treat here with THE JUMP #3. Sign up HERE to be notified when the campaign goes live!

Thanks! I hope all is well with you and yours.

Rylend Grant


over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 08:02:18 PM

Hey Jumpers,

Quick plug here... I wanted to let you all know that the campaign for the deluxe collected edition of my absolutely favorite comic book - MONSTER MATADOR by Steven Prince - is LIVE here on Kickstarter for just eight more days.

MM is a howling good time... it follows a Matador, in post apocalyptic world, fighting to make life better for his young daughter.

It plays like Danny McBride and Jody Hill made a Santo movie and then gleefully peed on it. It's completely and utterly bonkers, so goddamn smart and funny. I honestly can't recommend it enough.

This is a deluxe 184 page collected edition that includes the popular Tango of the Matadors and Afripocalypse arcs PLUS an ALL NEW STORY that sees the Matador reuniting with his daughter and setting up the next phase of the epic AND a Study Guide by Dr. Theresa Rojas (Professor, Modesto Junior College).

Anyway, this was a first-minute back for me and I HIGHLY recommend you give it a try. You won't be sorry. If you need more reason to dive in, the art was done by Ringo-nominated BANJAX/THE JUMP artist Fabio Alves.


Talk soon!


ASSASSIN G from the fine folks at Immortal Studios!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 09:55:15 AM

Hey Jumpers!

Be sure to check out ASSASSIN G, some more ass-kicking Wuxia fun from TV writer Jen Troy (Supergirl), He Tao, and all of my friends over at Immortal Studios!

The year is 1982. As the lead assassin for the powerful Vermilion Pavillion, Margot Gan’s sole mission in life is to eliminate the powerful families of the Seven Cultivations Alliance to avenge their betrayal of her mother, the formidable Shui Hongshao.

Trained by Hongshao, Margot is virtually unstoppable as the ghostlike ASSASSIN G. However, when Margot faces off against the Yueyang Family’s own star JP Yin, she finds a mutual admiration as they try to defeat the other.

Soon, torn between their loyalties to their families, the kindred spirits come together in a forbidden romance that complicates everything about what they thought they believed.


24 hrs left to back Rylend Grant's FA SHENG: ORIGINS on Kickstarter!
over 2 years ago – Tue, May 24, 2022 at 05:07:00 AM

Hey Jumpers!

LAST CHANCE! You have JUST 24 HRS LEFT to get my latest and greatest comic book fit - the Wuxia Kung Fu epic FA SHENG: ORIGINS from Immortal Studios - on Kickstarter! Head on over HERE and check out all of the fun/high jinx!

Part historical drama, part philosophical enlightenment play, three parts ass-kicking kung fu trip, this is quite simply one of the best things I've ever written and I know you're going to love it! Head on over to the campaign page and grab your copy RIGHT NOW: 

Fa Sheng is a death-cheating, mind-bending Shaolin Master… but he carved a long bloody road to get there. Fa Sheng’s story begins in the latter days of the 19th century when the propaganda and carnage of China's Boxer Uprising force him to reevaluate his purpose in life, to dedicate himself to helping those in need. It isn’t easy. Between Fa Sheng and his goal of enlightenment stand ruthless adversaries, backstabbing power grabbers and cowardly charlatans… any of whom would gladly dispose of anyone in their way.

"You’re not born into enlightenment. It’s earned. It’s fought for, tooth and nail, over time. It is too often a byproduct of tragedy and strife. In FA SHENG: ORIGINS, we watch as our titular martial hero is forced through the meat grinder of the Boxer Uprising, of China’s Warlord Era. He witnesses unspeakable evil and is dealt horrible defeat--but he rises, in the end, from the ashes of the carnage, a changed man, a better man, an enlightened man with a mission, deputized by the powers that be in the fight against all that Dharmically ails us." -- Fa Sheng: Origins writer, Rylend Grant

That link again:

Happy reading!


P.S. - Some close friends have some campaigns running currently that you should absolutely check out:

Cannibals on Mars - A Sci-Fi Horror One Shot Comic

CANNIBALS ON MARS is a 48 page, perfect-bound, one-shot that delivers blood-soaked space horror that comic fans can really sink their teeth into.

Ever since the ancients fixed their gaze skyward, human beings have marveled at the planets stretched before them. Heretics, heroes, science, and sacrifice all advanced our understanding of the stars, until finally, in 2027, earthlings established the first functioning colony on another planet.

The RH7 Colonies on Mars: a terraforming series of interconnected outposts inhabited by a bold set of international astronauts, scientists, engineers, and psychologists. Their mission was twofold: to develop a sustainable environment for eventual, large-scale migration and to prove that human beings--despite their differences, could work together to create a fledgling new society built on trust, camaraderie, and the common good.

Then all communication from earth was cut off.

The colonists continued their mission.

They thrived. They survived.

They lived, loved, and lost.

Five years passed.

And now here we are…



PBOW: World War Bitch 1-3

PBOW: WORLD WAR BITCH No. 3, a 24-page, saddle-stitch comic reuniting the creative team behind RED XMAS from Scout Comics.

Six pregnant women go back in time and accidentally kill a young Hitler -- unleashing a nightmare future! Now with mad scientist Nikola Tesla acting as Charlie to their Angels, they must save the world from the evil Exalted Father... before their water breaks!

Think of it as The Handmaid's Tale meets Kill Bill.