
THE JUMP 1-2 from Ringo Award-winner Rylend Grant

Created by Rylend Grant

A kick-you-in-the-teeth paranoid thriller set in the world of astral projection from the creator of Action Lab's ABERRANT and BANJAX.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

9 days left to pick up THE JUMP 1-4 on Kickstarter!
2 days ago – Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 12:41:09 PM

Hey all,

  You have just 9 days left to pick up Issues 1-4 of THE JUMP on Kickstarter:

THE JUMP is a smart, sexy high-concept sci-fi thriller full of meaty twists and turns. It is Inception meets The Bourne Identity… if it were dripping with macabre and directed by David Fincher. 

THE JUMP 1-4 was fully funded in just 48 hours and we're on to stretch goals! You now get 18+ comic issues and a print for a single pledge!

We're a Kickstarter "Project We Love!" The hippies are writing songs about us! COME SEE WHAT ALL THE FUSS IS ABOUT!


Thank you!


THE JUMP 1-4 is LIVE on Kickstarter RIGHT NOW!
16 days ago – Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 02:28:13 PM

Hey Jumpers,

  A quick reminder that the campaign for Issues 1-4 of THE JUMP is LIVE on Kickstarter RIGHT NOW:

THE JUMP is a smart, sexy high-concept sci-fi thriller full of meaty twists and turns. It is Inception meets The Bourne Identity… if it were dripping with macabre and directed by David Fincher. 

THE JUMP 1-4 was fully funded in just 48 hours and we're on to stretch goals! You now get 18+ comic issues for a single pledge!

We're a Kickstarter "Project We Love!" The hippies are writing songs about us! COME SEE WHAT ALL THE FUSS IS ABOUT!


Thank you!


Rylend Grant's THE JUMP #4 Launches on February 17th!
about 1 month ago – Sat, Feb 08, 2025 at 01:17:52 PM

Hey Jumpers,

I'm writing today to let you know that the PRELAUNCH PAGE for Issues 1-4 of THE JUMP is LIVE! The book is coming to Kickstarter - coming in HOT - on February 17th! It would be a HUGE help if you would SIGN UP FOR LAUNCH NOTIFICATIONS now!

THE JUMP is a kick-you-in-the-teeth paranoid thriller comic set in the world of astral projection. It's a smart, high-concept sci-fi dance, full of meaty twists and turns. It is INCEPTION meets THE BOURNE IDENTITY, if it were dripping with macabre and directed by David Fincher.

After a series of crippling personal tragedies, Thomas Northrope retreats from his everyday life and finds comfort in an online community dedicated to the art of astral projection. When he demonstrates a unique aptitude for the practice, Thomas becomes the target of a mysterious corporate/political machine – known as HORIZON – bent on using promising young practitioners to win a centuries-old war on the astral plane.

Issues 1-3 of THE JUMP - launched here Kickstarter - received RAVE reviews. 

You will not BELIEVE what we have in store for you for Issue 4! This one is going to MELT YOUR FACE! So, please SIGN UP FOR LAUNCH NOTIFICATIONS and come make the JUMP with us ONE MORE TIME! 




MORE SCI-FI FUN: Rylend Grant's THE BREACH is on KS now!
5 months ago – Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 12:02:57 PM

Hey friends,
  My latest and greatest sci-fi comic book thriller - THE BREACH - is LIVE on Kickstarter RIGHT NOW! We are oh-so-close to funding and WE NEED YOUR HELP to get over the hump!  MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TODAY, make our day, AND get 18+ comics for your trouble!

THE BREACH is a smart, grounded, BLACK MIRROR-esque sci-fi joint, full of meaty twists and turns. It is NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN meets INDEPENDENCE DAY with an extra dollop of heart and and extra pat of soul… and a whole heck ton of fun mixed in.

THE BREACH is a gritty small town crime drama... you know, if there was a portal to another time/dimension about to open up in said small town... if there was a massive futuristic army about to kick it's way through and lay waste to said small town... in the end though, it's a redemption song, written about the local hoods and smugglers who end up tasked with stopping Armageddon.

Creator Rylend Grant has worked for 15+ years in Hollywood, writing film and television projects for folks like JJ Abrams, Ridley Scott, John Woo, Luc Beson, and Justin Lin. His latest film - a collaboration with Matt Dillon and Academy Award-winning Director Fernando Trueba titled HAUNTED HEART - hits theaters this Fall.

Rylend's Half Evil Comics has been publishing Award-winning, face-melting actiontainment since 2018, bringing you Kickstarter hits like THE JUMP, THE PEACEKEEPERS, and FA SHENG: ORIGINS and comic shop sensations like ABERRANT, BANJAX, and SUICIDE JOCKEYS.

Half Evil Comics won a Ringo Award. We were nominated for BEST SERIES alongside books like BITTER ROOT and SOMETHING’S KILLING THE CHILDREN. Rylend was nominated for BEST WRITER next to heavyweights like Bendis, Lemire, and Snyder… short and sweet, we make pretty damn good books… and honestly, THE BREACH might be our best yet!

Head on over to Kickstarter and GET YOUR COPY right now!

Thanks! I hope all is well with you and yours.

Rylend Grant

Just 30 HOURS LEFT to back Rylend Grant's THE PEACEKEEPERS on Kickstarter!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 02:45:43 PM

Hey friends
  You have just 30 HOURS left to back my twisted, howl-at-the-freakin'-moon bank robbery epic THE PEACEKEEPERS on Kickstarter! We are nearing our $13K stretch goal which means each and every backer receives 20+ comics, a beautiful print, and a trading card set for just one pledge.

Come see what all the fuss is about. CHECK OUT THE CAMPAIGN HERE:

